I want to visit Nanimo, Canada and eat so many nanaimo bars!! Also want to go to various furrycons such as Eurofurence and FurDu.
I'll try to remember to send Deerkat's new ref sheet when I'm on my computer again, but for now here are his markings on a lynx base by @/BriMercedes

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☆ Straight facts. So please wear a mask, sanitize your hands, only go to public places if needed, and be careful about who you meet.

I think we would all love to go back to conventions as soon as possible.🦩

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DemiReality showed me furrycons(dot)com and all the cons I could find there that are in Germany are too far away. :( And the only one remotely close does not accept people to just visit for a day and leave. XD
But of course, if you have any other in mind that's not on there:

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