DnD night!! slice of life au my beloved

(im dont usually bother tagging my serious art but uhhh since i spent like 12 hours on this and there was a tag goin around yesterday uh look at my shit)

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okay yknow what

HI! I haven't drawn Projmoon stuff recently because I haven't gotten the chance to- though I've been meaning to get back to drawing it! I like making funney cat designs,,

All of the art is kinda old but! they still look ok so :0

6 17

SORRY i had to fix something so reupload but here is epilogue taii

10 36

ok i only have this one drawing bc i only drew a canon character after the # but... catboy netza

6 29

I haven't started Ruina yet but hey ain't this calling me out

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animals i draw them ( tomerry , pierre , netzach , gebuhod )

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hello lgbt community (most of my work are animations and shitposts oops)

6 11

please show me your drawings of project moon characters as furries/animals i think it would be very awesome . . .here are some of mine (emmanoah/T corp researchers/gebuhod/meowpierre)😺👍 hashtag

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