Caused not drew one of my nests, her name is Mimi 💖♥️

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Mimikyu-Vinix IS SO CUTEEEE ❤️ Art made by she is awesome, the commission is still open if you want a cutie like this :3

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Ce moment où tu te teint les cheveux et que tu deviens ta fursona XD

This moment when you dye your hair and actually become your fursona XD

Base par/by AlexDaschund

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Old art piece I forgot to post haha little headshot for my friend ^^

Un petit dessin un peu vieux que j'ai oublier de poster haha C'est un headshot pour mon ami Hoter ^^

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Two little drawing made this week ^^ A little flat badge and a little shaded badge. Hope you like them

Deux petits dessin fait cette semaine ^^ Un petit badge flat et un petit badge ombré. J’espère que vous aimez

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Hey everyone I'm open for a few Icons in this style for 15$ will be finish today or tommorow. Can also be turned into a badge (laminated and shipped) for 20$

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I'm bored and all of those Twitter question things are too stereotypical, so: Ask me a question. Any question. (Within reason, of course.)

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