PPPPPP - Confession and a Beatdown
Rin's plea lingers in the hall as Reijiro cuts it down in forgiveness.
What do Sorachika and Furusu seem to see differently in Lucky now? ✌️

3 24

Gonna be using my model of her for assistance, as converting 2D to 3D furusuit pieces is a lot easier with reference

1 4

PPPPPP, Ch. 20: Furusu faces the unpredictable Mimin in a piano competition! Read it FREE from the official source! https://t.co/Yjl9oBEMNR

32 239

- Yume Furusuna. Escrito con los caracteres de "un sueño en la arena vieja"

1 9

[ user wanted]
This is a free offer.
We're looking for people who like our models! It will be one selection.
This is a high standard model. Feel free to apply!

Artist: Sorahara()
lIVE2D: Furusumi()


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