Painted this on first page of my new sketchbook, with an accompanying text for those who just like to randomly touch my stuff!!

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So, me & were talking about & how my dragonborn has leveled up so much that I kill dragons w/ only a bow & no armor whatsoever! She said I’ll soon be able to kill them w/ only a foam slipper too! This is how it’ll go probably! LMAO

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InktoberTale 2020 - Day 29: Quest

Ink makes his own fun. Error, you can lie all you want, you know you enjoy watching his shenanigans.

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Since it's getting cold outside, I thought a would be fitting!

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Antes que nada una disculpa para quienes no entiendan el cartón del día de hoy. Para todos los demás ¡Fusrodah!

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