Since I have decided I don't give a fuck anymore, here is my hot take of the day (poster design by me)

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Facal an latha - Word of the day

Oidhche Shamhna – Halloween

Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi tòrr mòr spòrs agaibh a-nochd airson Oidhche Shamhna! | We hope you have lots of fun tonight for Halloween!

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TURAS A' “HECTOR” - The Voyage of the “Hector”
1-5 August 2022
An opportunity to play under the direction of John Somerville and learn about the history and context of the voyage. There will be music for all traditional instruments

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The Voyage of the “Hector” with John Somerville: 1-5 August 2022
An opportunity to play under the direction of John Somerville and learn about the history and context of the voyage. There will be music for all traditional instruments

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Seachdain na Gàidhlig!
Celebrating Scottish Gaelic🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿week- with pterosaur, Dearc sgiathanach. Dearc is a reptile from Skye🏝️, Sgitheanach, originating from early Celtic word for "winged"🕊️ Dearc means reptile🦎. Hence double name meaning Winged Reptile or Reptile from Skye.

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Did you know that if you download the SOUNDCLOUD app, you can listen to 363 audiobooks from, and ? (All tracks are also available on the website.)

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I am currently trying to develop a gàidhlig vocal for either the deepvocal or utau software, but am struggling immensely on creating a recording list, I need to get someone else on board to help, my brain is dying trying to see if I have all available sounds and combos

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Dè an t-ainm a th' air an caraid againn?
What's our friend's name in We learned their names thanks to !

Piseag reamhar 🐱
Tunnag toilichte 🦆
Mathan gòrach 🐻
Bò èibhinn 🐮
Gobhar comasach 🐐
Uan coibhneil 🐑
Radan annasach 🐭
Eun neònach 🐥

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Facal an Latha | Word of the Day

gaol - love

Tha gaol agam air... - I love...
Tha gaol agam ort - I love you
Tha gaol agamsa ort fhèin - I love you too

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My favourite phrase from today’s Gaelic lesson:
“Tha mi a’ còcaireachd”. Definitely a case of “linguistic aesthetics” (so euphonic but also so much character!)
I also learned uisge-beatha (preferably Lagavulin, thank you very much! 🥃 😊)

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A free booklet will be available to accompany our Soillseachadh na h-Alba/Scottish Enlightenment exhibition - opening Friday 21 June!

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Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ùr bho sgioba Bhòrd na Gàidhlig!

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