"Anotha one." has been so hospitable to me since joining. Gotta shout out my boy for introducing me to this dope community. Now up to 2 GACC's + 2 MACC's! 200 Likes I'll add another? 🔥🦍♥️


111 246

Peoples true colors start to come out as soon as they aren't making money as quickly as they were before, the real OG know that a little ain't shit. The smart people are going to right now. I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the ride to the moon!

33 85

Anyone else named their yet? Just me? Hugh Chefner, Neil Apestrong, Apevel Knievel, Merapelin.... These gramps each have a personality all their own!

12 29

Looking to trade my 3012, rank 861. Hit me up if you're interested :) Only interested in other GACC's.

8 45