Drew a friend’s sona

Maneki neko that’s unlucky at gacha…

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Me when im cringy and weird (i made Beel and my obey me OC in gacha…)

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Oh no help…the gacha…😭😭😭

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Catalyst for Arcueid gacha… 😭🙏

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Gente…. Desculpar por postar eles na minha conta principal mas assim?? Que isso galera.. eu vi essa primeira e até tremi.. gente que lindo primeira vez em anos que fico com vontade de gastar dinheiro em gacha… Quando essas cartas aparecerem eu vou ficar pobre..

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just discovered the project sekai valentine’s lim gacha… my life is overr :,,) i love all of them but that RIN ❤️__❤️

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mizuki had not come home from the secret dressing room gacha…. But i have not given up yet….. SHE WILL BE MINE

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I managed to get 16 new cards and all the New Year’s cards on the New Year’s gacha… Happy New Year’s, everyone!

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Thank you Star Legend GACHA……

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