one of my latest skeb requests! I was having so much fun working on a valentine themed drawing for 🙏💙
I hope everyone is enjoying their valentine's day and please check out her post in the comments!!

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thanks to kana chwan this emote has the meme-est nickname😂 PLS SPAM WELCOME THE NEW EMOTE, iiRELORE

you want this too?? will gib u a finger licking goob time😚💖 tysm babes

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colors are not synchronized but heres some recent babies >.>
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Mama and her son😚💖 i'm the luckiest girl alive to have met my dear kiwi🥺 thank you for being the biggest blessing 💜

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GALLORIA 「春オシャレ」作りおき 6点セット ☆予約商品☆: ハッピーアカウント
「2018年福袋」先行予約。 バルキーコート、ニットクルーカーディガン、ニットプルオーバー、カラースカート、花柄ブラウス、ポーチの6点セット

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