J: Q-tie, why aren't you asleep yet?
Q: I can't. Oh Jack, tell me something nice.
J: it's almost bedtime, Q-tie.
Q: How is that nice?
J: I'm about to join you in bed and then things will get reeeally nice.

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J: Think of all the naughty things we could be doing right now, Q-tie!
Q: Patience, my dear. According to the experts, we still have plenty of time. And lots of imagination ...

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Q: Jack, you better not have Corona!
J: The beer or the virus?
Q: Either! I'm a Guinness-kind of a girl and the last thing I want is to get ill!
J: Then I think it's high time we went into quarantine, Q-tie.
Q: Oh yeah, a very festive one.

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