took part in this weeks (3 hour as an artist, and had a lot of fun with it - super interesting seeing both how MUCH, and yet how LITTLE, you can make in 3 hours total

feel free to check it out here if you fancy =)

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1 15

Hey . My name is Pedro and I've been doing pixel art for 6 months. Oh, and I recently launched my first game (for a GameJam), called

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Unreleased Karamja (& Volcano) graphical rework concept art

(+ a rework which began in GameJam)

3 8

Je viens de réaliser que je n'ai (je crois) jamais parlé des jeux que j'ai fait et qui sont dispo en ligne...
Du coup, voila :
Il y a 2 mini-jeux (dont 1 créé pour une gamejam)
N'hésitez pas à y jeter un oeil :)

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