💜KOF'96: Fell in love with Arashi no Saxophone
💚Jet Set Radio: Music playlist was absurdly too good
💙FFXI: My best moments as player, doing story missions with my static PT and exploring Vana'diel
💛Natural Selection 2: Had a blast puking on marines as an alien pig

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Wanted to draw my but it’s taking too long to get all 4 done at once so let’s go one by one

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here's some games that really spent a lot of time playing...

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I'm a little bit late but here are mine

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Je m'y mets! Ce sont des jeux extrêmement différents de l'un à l'autre mais qui m'ont marqué chacun à des moments particuliers de ma vie ♥

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otherwise known as japan has me down to a T

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this was way hard to narrow down to four titles.....

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angry dudes looking at the camera

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Here’s mine! One helped me discover my sexuality, two had an emotional impact at different times in my life, and one is the best game I’ve ever played.

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Persona 5 - PS3/PS4
Fire Emblem Awakening - 3DS
Pokemon Gen 4 - DS
Super Mario Galaxy - Wii

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And these are the newer games !

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I was thinking “what games did I play to death as a kid?” Well, here are the top four games I would always go back to. (And now I feel old lol)

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Another , ,, these are recent ones ive played and STILL GUSHING OVER

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on my other account I chose games that defined my childhood, so here's the games that define me /now/

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Allez (au choix 8D)
(ça a été chaud d'en prendre que 4. J'aurais pu mettre un Zelda, ou même GuildWars2, même si un peu trop récent pour dire qu'il a "forgé" ma personnalité de gamer xD. Et Pokémon, j'aurais pu mettre n'importe lequel tbh (à part XY)

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these are the games that have helped define who I am and are personal favorites ❤️❤️❤️

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the influence that these have on me are undeniable. Love there art, and commitment to there vision.

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