So I made some

Simon “MegaMage” Megamoore meets Ji-Yoon

Featuring Ji-Yoon in my very own ‘lazy’ art style. Definitely will draw her again soon.

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Loving ‘Moose’s Book Bus’ by the very talented published by - Reminds me of when I was a little girl and wanted to be a librarian when I grew up. I never did, but I do have an ever-increasing library of books at home!

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Souls in or, Wraithes as Gamoorans call them, r tapestries of soul threads, & are hard to steal unless freely given. Our Heroes in the 2 part Conclusion of Wystmoor chapter 1 have ransfered theirs into Warforged bodies in order to dfeat corruptive apocolypse engine

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In Twitch stream setting, this topic was dealt with somewhat. Undead warforged called "Rust Buckets" were created by unhinged Gamooran Scientist Dr. 0kezie in the episode

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Join us this Saturday on for another thrilling Oneshot within the walls of the powerful Feder8ion of featuring an ALL cast with NEW custom subraces, in

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The Feder8ion of was founded as an alliance of provinces under Pyronic rule. They elected an Emperor who directed their resources and united their dispar8 ppl in rebellion, raising a massive warforged army. His dying wish was that no Emperor would again rule these lands.

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In the world of were forged by the allied forces of the Walled Coast of Gamoor during their righteous rebellion against the diabolic Empire of Pyron. The first Warforged contained full souls of fallen warriors. Subsequent Warforged use far fewer soul fibers

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Ep 3: The Str8 & Narr0w p
The PCS have been hired by Gamooran mogul, Mr. Dierra, to retrieve an item held in customs in the Empire of Yi. Getting "The Box" out of Yi is one thing. Getting it home by means of the eldritch & surreal "Impossible Canal" is a whole other Nightmare.

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This Sat, we'll visit the Federation of Gamoor, the first to successfully rebel against the corrupted Empire of Pyron. Vast Walls protect her coast, and comprise her army. Inheritors of Pyron's magitech supremacy, Gamoor is 1 of the most powerful factions in

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I'm not particularly skilled at archetectural art, but I tried my hand at it this time because I struggled to express the vast sheet metal & concrete defenses of Gamoor in

And now I need no words. Ladies, Gentlemen, Others, & Warforged?... Welcome to the Walled Coast.

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For reference the aesthetics of our warforged are loosely modeled after Dogon masks, and were built by the Gamooran Alliancein their rebellion against the corrupted Pyronic Empire's army of Feinds.

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Fact 27: Gamoor detests slavery, which is legal in the Mustafate & Sodonia's Low-Land Kingdoms. Gamoor's warforged are imbued at forging w/ an insatiable desire to serve and please their masters, deriving gr8 pleasure from a job well done. Gamoor finds this ethically sufficient.

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