mumpung Risu udah up waiting roomnya... ini gambar thumbnail full versionnya! Nima dan Risu akan ngeteh bareng malam ini pukul 19:00!

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She deserves big love. I think when she says about "You can make NSFW fanarts" behind of that, she actually wants to distract people from lewding Moona. Yes Risu is a good girl.

And I am a SIMP.

3 18

Congratulations for Hololive ID debut~ o(〃^▽^〃)o
Welcome and le's do our best together (≧∇≦)/

Here's a little present from my parent to you all~
I hope you guys like it (❁´◡`❁)

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I wasn't going to reveal my drawing until my debut but F it

and I really love you, you did your best ❤️❤️❤️

Maaf berantakan, aku cuma punya 20 menit buat gambar ini

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Roughly 1 hour left before Risu’s first live ❤️

Don’t forget to read the rules in the description, please be nice to my Risu ❤️🐿

Thank you and ganbarisuuu❤️

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