2. El nombre de los barcos.

- A la derecha de todo "Burning Tides", historia de universo https://t.co/Uf3l7jID4X

- En el centro "The Dreadway", el "Heraldo de la Muerte", el barco de Gangplank.

- A la izquierda "New Destiny", l pasiva de Graves y el nombre de su arma.

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Long time no tweeting, but here you have, I know it's something old haha how you see. Gangplank... I know it doesn't looks like him... haha

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One of the oldest and fiercest dock gangs in Bilgewater, the Jagged Hooks swear undying allegiance to Gangplank.

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Did some doodles of 's causal champions while on my break at work. I also decided to take a stab at making a casual Illaoi and Gangplank.

I will probably end up digitizing these at some point c:

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A blast from the past~ my first moba was and the first character I ever played was A salty pirate that ate oranges? Sign me up. I've got a few character drawings I did at the time I'll post.

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Haven't been able to log into LOL since gangplank died. I think my client died with gangplank.. no more rum

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