Does companion planting confuse you? Discover top tips on how to do it with these brilliant infographics from Suttons.

8 14

"Like most disabled people we are the experts at adapting to our needs and finding a way.” - by

🎨by Danielle Morgan

image: art of 3women with long dark wavy hair standing in a hanging pot plant among the leaves frame

3 10

for - the essentials do’s and the don’ts!

•Be careful when digging
•Minimise use of weed matting
•Cover water butts
•Don’t use chemicals

7 5

for – the essentials do’s!

•Retain stumps
•Create a log pyramid
•Leave a wild corner
•Provide escape routes from ponds

3 3

for - the essentials do’s and the don’ts!

•Be careful when digging
•Minimise use of weed matting
•Cover water butts
•Don’t use chemicals

12 17

for – the essentials do’s!

•Retain stumps
•Create a log pyramid
•Leave a wild corner
•Provide escape routes from ponds

1 5

Love fresh vegetables? Now is the time to start that garden while staying at home. Get plenty of in FROM SEED TO TABLE

10 9

Start off dahlia tubers in March for an abundance of beautiful flowers in midsummer. Here's how.

20 86

What's in my garden? I'm not entirely sure so I need your help here. A big plus if you can name plants that works well with these ones.

106 430