My teleporter, Tabitha Tolsen aka Telportia I got to play during this past weekend! has an amazing set up for playing super powered characters! I loved playing with !
Let’s go Evocators!

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Here’s an early reaver for the weekend, next stop ! Tomorrow: Nj➡️Lake Geneva, WI. I can’t wait!

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Hotel links for GaryCon XIV can all be found on our website:

Most links are live now, but if you're hoping to book at the Grand Geneva just know that their link will be active starting at 9am Central tomorrow, September 1st.

Hope to see you all there!!

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I’d like you to come meet Valentine. We are live with for our session .5 live with GaryCon.

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The last of that large commission, but sad it will not be used this year at GaryCon (good decision, but still..)

It’s the 3 kids and a vampire lady.

And onward to more commission work! I still have a whole bunch more!

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I won 50 free custom coasters from , so I made a thing. One free with any purchase at my booth in the art alley at while they last! March 26-29 in scenic Lake Geneva.

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So has in one day been the best day I’ve had doing cons period. We’ve sold almost half our books and a few original paintings. If I met you today thank you so much for stopping by & picking up our book! I’m very humbled thank you!

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Like/retweet if you’re going to GaryCon! We can all meet up and have a beer (or a beverage you prefer)!

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Sorry folks I’m going to be taking the rest of this week off stream. With all the behind the scenes things going on with getting Godkillers done in print & PDF before . As well as all the research I need to do for our next adventure I’m just stretched. See you all Monday

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If you haven't shown the GaryCon 35 minute Draft to your friends, now is the time.

7 days left on the Kickstarter Project:

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It’s official the first convention of 2019 will have a table at is looking forward to promoting our new system neutral resource book Veneer Book of Masks as well as meeting you all in person!

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More news: will run 3 Admin Adventures exclusive to this March!

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