Lottie sketches // Wires from the Wounds

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It's Sunday so drawing is happening. Feels a bit mean putting Munryeo in water though... (Munryeo // To the Soul)

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Day 24: Oh, Kyrie! I bet you can see Father Christmas starting his journey from way up there in space, can't you? How exciting! (Valkyrie / Gladsheim)

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Day 23: Are we having a Christmas masquerade ball? How splendid! (Lavinia's mask / Albion)

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Day 22: Oh, it's dear little Jun! Hello Jun! I wonder what beautiful trinkets you have made for your friends..? (Jun / In Fang + Thief)

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Day 21: Oh, it's Muse Willow's winning lottery ticket! What a treat it would be to find that in your stocking on Christmas morning! (Muse's lottery ticket / Window Post)

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Day 20: Hello there, Blue! What Christmas treats will you be snacking on this year, I wonder? (Blue / To the Soul)

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Day 18: Will you be spending Christmas on the open sea again this year, Neith? Father Christmas will have to be careful when setting down his sleigh! (Neith / To the Soul)

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Day 17: Not long now until Father Christmas arrives! Have you been a good bunny this year, Angus? Of course you have! (Angus / Wires from the Wounds)

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Day 16: Ah, Ryu! You're making all of your Christmas gifts by hand? How thoughtful! (Ryu / To the Soul)

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Day 15: Well hello there, your majesty! I imagine the Christmas decorations in the palace must be absolutely splendid! (Queen Elonis-il-Fiore / To the Soul)

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Day 14: Ooh, what's this? A copy of Alien Princess (Inside-Out Woman) by the mighty Window Post? What a wonderful present! (Alien Princess CD / Window Post)

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Day 13: Ah, hello there Claire! I wonder who your secret santa is..? (Claire Seaker / Wires from the Wounds)

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Day 12: You want what for Christmas, Xero? To be left alone in peace and quiet? Well, it's not very festive but... (Xero / In Fang + Thief)

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Day 11: Oh wow, it's Ryu's memory fish! I bet you can remember every Christmas there's ever been. Which one was your favourite, I wonder? (Memory fish / To the Soul)

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Day 10: Munryeo, my dear! You are without question going to be on Father Christmas' Nice List this year. (Munryeo / To the Soul)

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Day 09: Ah, it's all eleven of Masa's shadows! Hello! Have you come to sing us a Christmas carol? (Masa's shadows / To the Soul)

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Day 08: Oh, hello Lavinia! You might want to wrap up warm, it's getting chilly out there. (Lavinia / Albion)

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Day 07: And what would you like for Christmas, little Jun puppet? Perhaps some gloves to keep your little plushie hands warm? (Jun puppet / Bishounen Hunter)

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Day 06: Ah, don't worry Toby! Even though you don't live on Earth I'm sure Father Christmas will still bring you a present. (Tobias Hunter / Wires from the Wounds)

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