break time because doing made me forget to eat or something

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Bro fired a missile at the other helicopter and is riding in this thing.

So he wants to clean the ocean and everyone because clearly there are too many fucked up things lurking about and then build up Auguste's rep from the ground up.

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Meg said fuck that and just punched a pillar to the ground to use as way to get to the next floor. I forgot about this guy but he is the only one who can drive it

and I knew he would do that ... and goodbye

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Based Meg

Turns out one of the fishes in the tank escaped and camped the ceiling

Anyway so cure making man is gone so we have to take this data to someone that can use it. With a Helicopter ... in my Granblue?

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There is one other researcher helping make the cure but like..

and there is the lad himself

Oh hey, good by researcher

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Ah the cause of this (I assume). Zombies caught up to us fast. Doesn't help we are trying to keep some citizens with us but don't worry they will be held off :)

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to the Ocean research center and..
Meg explains flags also Illnot wakes up while... this happens outside?

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Right after we hear some un-zombie woman screaming for help so we go out. Save her but not without Catura and Mim getting bodied

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Mim thanks Meg for carrying out the hotel earlier.

Meg wonders about how people say certain things "I'll totally be fine" before getting murked.
Catura calls them "flags" that indicate foreshadowing like in storybooks.
(Catura normally rides a motorcycle)

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Tug of war occurs and he gets lost to the Zombies, then we push them out with a convenient log and re-seal the windows. Meg has been wondering about something but then rando freaks out and leaves. (Hey it is that text again)

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Things to not do when zombies are fucking everywhere. Nice text color hmmm and yeah he went outside and got bodied frame 1.

Tomoi losing his mind without his bros goes to sulk alone.

(read bottom to top)

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We make it to the mall and start playing CoD Zombies to keep them out.

Wow rude but Mim is right.

Soon after Standard rich asshole rightfully presses us but then decides he is in charge of supplies

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time to gather people and dip to the mall

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Something is going on post-party. Lowain gets them to the ground but still gets nick'd.

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(read bottom-up) Party going. Tomoi and Elsam aren't as pumped as Lowain feeling out of their league.

Meet cool mystery man and end up having a good time.
I am sure most have felt uncomfortable at parties and had someone help make you feel comfortable.

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Eventually training, getting strong, having a mystical shark she can fused to her arm etc. Standard stuff. Tired of the crazy shit happening each summer she decided to make it her life to stop that shit. Defeating a giant volcanic hermit crab to save the day.

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