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Sto scrivendo un Gdr fantascientifico giocabile in solitario.
Si chiama AMORE E PILLOLE e penso sia la cosa gdrresca più grossa che abbia mai scritto. Ci sono: le romance, le pistolettate laser e ogni tipo di antidolorifico.

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25 March 1986: stamps issued in the GDR to celebrate 25 years of manned space flight

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24 March 1981: stamps issued in the GDR depicting the Sport- und Erholungszentrum in East Berlin

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22 March 1977: stamps iussed in the GDR depicting traditional Sorbian costumes

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I Dragonidi somigliano in molti modi a ciò che suggerisce il loro nome: draghi umanoidi. Sono alti fino ai 2 metri e pesano fino a 150 chili. La sua testa è smussata con una forte fronte, e con corna.

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MegumiNorowa added a new item to their Ko-fi Shop. https://t.co/Od3UuWggtY

La mia aliena del gdr sci-fi piratesco in versione everyday outfit, in compagnia del suo pet Cipolla.

Partecipazione alla di Marzo.

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10 February 1981: stamps issued in the GDR to promote apprenticeships with Deutsche Post

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GDR 245 ZP


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20 January 1987: stamps issued in the GDR depicting statues of Roland located in East Germany

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★ Lama Lunare ⚔️🌙
Si dice che sia stato inventato tutto, ma non demoralizzatevi, perché... CONTINUA SU https://t.co/8CWIJiSylk

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Ehy, apparently it's
Hi, hello, we love drawing dragons, h0es, strong women and mad scientists on this account 💗

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consistency? who's she, dunno her

keep the art train going? 👉👈

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・F-ZERO for GBAで、「ファイティングコメット」を操る「クミコ"ザ・ブレット"」が登場する(クミコさんって呼んでるのはここから)

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Here are the other stamps in the GDR's 1978 Rapunzel-themed series

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15 November 1967: stamps issued in the GDR to mark the tenth 'Messe der Meister von Morgen' in Leipzig

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