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The final sketch of the geek alphabet, a classic Zombie! Thanks to all those who've liked these sketches, it started as a quick warm up each day but I'm going to miss drawing them now. I'm thinking of combining them in to a print or a t-shirt or maybe a little book. #geekalphabet
Y is for Yoda. Not Baby Yoda, the old wrinkly Yoda 👴 #geekalphabet
X is for Mr X-Man himself: Professor Charles Xavier. With his telepathic powers he will read your mind and guess any number you're thinking (between 1-100). #geekalphabet
V is for Venom, one of my favourite childhood comics. #geekalphabet
T is for Turtles. Back in the 90's during the Ninja Turtles craze thousands of pet turtles were bought for kids, trained as ninjas and then flushed down the toilet when they lost interest. Now there thousands of fully grown ninja turtles roaming around our sewers! #geekalphabet
S is for Sonic, one of my childhood favourite games. Anyone psyched for the new film? I'm actually really diggin' the re-design 🦔⚡ #geekalphabet
Ok, so I couldn't think of one for Q. I was going to do Quicksilver but in the end did Quinn...Harley Quinn. That counts right? Can you think of any others beginning with Q? 🤔 #geekalphabet
N is for the Necronomicon, the book of the dead. Only the chosen one, Ash Williams, can defeat the deadites it summons and destroy the Evil Dead. #geekalphabet
It's a-Mario, everyone's favourite draining dwelling Italian guy! #geekalphabet
Carrying on with my quick doodle a day for the Geek Alphabet is Khaleesi. There's probably better ones for K but I wanted to draw some baby dragons 😁 #geekalphabet
J is for Jowls, Jaws' often forgotten about brother. #geekalphabet
This little guy is a wizard, his name rhymes with BARRY and he likes pottery...but who is it? 🤔 #geekalphabet
Don't forget to get your Mogwai wet and feed it after midnight! #geekalphabet
F is for Frodo. There's only one ring and this little guy had to go and ruin the fun for everyone. #geekalphabet
Today's quick sketch, E is for Ewok. These little fellas saved the galaxy many years ago. #geekalphabet
Carrying on with my Geek Alphabet sketch of the day. WHO is this weird, impractical, cyborg alien exterminator? #geekalphabet
C is for Cthulhu, everyone's favourite octopus faced cosmic entity. #geekalphabet
Carrying on with my sketch a day for the Geek Alphabet with a really tricky one. Terrified of bats but loves Robins, who's this chap? #geekalphabet