Satoshi Gekkouga Profile ver. 「Re:pkmn」

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Got into a mindblock atm...
so looked back to some old works... might try working on this Satoshi Gekkouga piece again, turn it into those "game profile-like" i did in the past

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「Re:pkmn」Satoshi's Gekkouga Profile ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉᵈ

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me lembrou a Kirumi Tojo e a Miaya Gekkougahara~

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[Pokemon XY]
current progress of my play through..
Lucario, Gekkouga and Lizardon are gonna be
on my team on the Pokemon League.
Other slots are currently Pikachu, Vivillon and Budew

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rkgk for the journeys artstyle, dropping the gekkouga piece later

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Wonderful Miaya Gekkougahara piece commissioned by ! Love it!

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Satoshi-Gekkouga / Greninja-Ash dibujado por el animador Masaaki Iwane.

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月光ヶ原 三日月 (Mikaduki Gekkougahara)
・職業 ?
・年齢 20
・誕生日 8月29日
・身長 177
・体重 50
・好きなもの 和菓子 天丼 雨 蛙
・嫌いなもの 道

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Satoshi Gekkouga In 2020


Eureka Dedenne in 2021

XY STANS Winning Ever Year...🙃😏..

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Bamboo Forest Champion
メタグロス Metagross
カイリュー Kairyu Dragonite
キノガッサ Kinogassa Breloom
ウルガモス Ulgamoth Volcarona
ミミッキュ Mimikyu
ゲッコウガ Gekkouga Greninja

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