team mondstadt 🍃🌙🌹🤍

please see attached tweets for my fanart series! 💕

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and of course, fischl and bennett! ❤️🌟 😆

yay i finished all the vision-havers of mondstadt! <3 liyue is next! ^^

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i was looking for a story connection between diona and mona, and couldn’t really find any within the game. what i found out though, is that they’re both friends with klee (w/ some interesting backstory) 😆🤔💣

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“good friends, but big hassle” 💣 if you ask me who my most absolute favourite characters are, it’s these two. ^^ klee and razor! 💣🐶🍀🐾

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the lady bosses of mondstadt💘 like jean, it’s taking all of my willpower to keep myself from finishing all my tasks in one go without resting 😆 but it’s 7am and i really need to sleep. ;3; brb see u at lunch hehe 😴

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barb & Barb. 😌 haha i hope you don’t mind if i post one of these again so soon 😆 i’m really enjoying drawing cute little day-off alternate outfits for them! ok i’m calling this series 🍃 ehe :3

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