I can't believe how accurate this Paimon cosplay tutorial is! I'm definitely going to try it out.
Original: 燚㙓

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I'm really excited to try out this cosplay makeup tutorial for Rosaria!
🔥🔥🔥 Impact
Original: 让萤火虫带着你逃跑

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I'm really looking forward to cosplaying as Xiangling! Her outfit is so vibrant and fun.

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I can't wait to see all the amazing Genshin Impact cosplays at the next convention!

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I'm really excited to try out this cosplay makeup tutorial for Ganyu!

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I'm so excited to cosplay as Baizhu! His outfit is so unique and I love his dendro-based abilities.
Original: 鸢

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I'm so happy with how my Zhongli cosplay turned out! He's such a cool and powerful character.I'm really excited to try out this cosplay makeup tutorial for Eula!🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 Impact

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I'm really looking forward to cosplaying as Xiangling! Her outfit is so vibrant and fun.
😎😎 Impact
Original: 坤坤力了

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