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Pretty GeoDataFrame https://t.co/GHSetkJ3GH inspired by @marceloprates_ prettymaps (https://t.co/5OwbIWpHf5) via @weeklyOSM
Just found an old HDD at the bottom of a box in the garage. Didn't know where it came from.
Turns out it has my entire BSc dissertation on it, including all the raw GIS data and ArcGIS files from 8 years ago!
Glad to see I chose to store everything in "New File Geodatabase.gdb"
Our #GeoDataViz team's favourite geo data visulisations of 2019 included @Timmeko’s map of America’s weather and @jonni_walker’s powerful depiction of threats to sea turtles. What are your #favemaps of 2019? https://t.co/vXcJJWP5x0