🎁Free XXL + Brushtober 2021 updates: 70+ new 🥳

Hi guys! I hope you’re all well and you enjoyed a creative For my traditional challenge I decided to create at least 2 per day inspired by Inktober prompts…

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For today’s drawing I used my new "Marker GRADED 17" dual color brush.

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For today’s cartoon I only used my new "Drainting RACOON ROCKET 16" dual color ink brush. It works great for sketching and inking as well for shaded dual coloring and textured backgrounds. 😎

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For today's cartoon I used my new "Waterly LINO DISGUSTING 11" dual color wet mix brush.

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Inktober Day 6: Rodent
Little Mouse using procreate with GvW InkAmigo INKROYABLE JACOBININK ct P5
And Waterlies Brushset

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All brush strokes were done with my new
"Pencil DHAMPIR BLADE 5" and two colors (main + secondary). 🙂

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ONLY ONE BRUSH + TWO COLORS (main and secondary):

"Charcoal PASTEL 2" Dual Color Tilt Brush

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