a bit late but here is my art !! :D i’m very proud of it :]
(untag if u reply)

8 22

george not found head cannon drawing by me :0

r3tweets are super appreciated

1 5

golden hour george ☺️
too bad didn’t see golden gogy irl🤧

12 153

happy one year anniversary of two nerds wanting to check out the new 1.16 snapshot :,)

29 189

Happy Anniversary Dsmp!!
Thanks for the memories <3

Crops & message below :]

116 455

happy ☺️ here’s my first george drawing vs my latest. <3

0 5

Happy 1 year streaming anniversary George :] 💙

105 900

guys george streamed on twitch today ??? and he TEXTED DREAM’S MOM it was so funny oh my god too bad he archived it :( i think he had auto-archive on 😭

in all seriousness, happy anni to the dsmp and to george :)

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