Fixing up this god awful job of her face, unnecessary realistic-ish face look so off with her chibi gffs😭
I cannot keep her like this any longer

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「 rt's ♡ 」

GFFS speedran a cover within less than 12 hours so tada heres "Hikaru Nara (光るなら)" yaho !!

full ver ;

5 8

actually very cute. he’s matchies w election arc leorio !!! gffs (gay friends forever) 9/10

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hi Ryan! 👋 thank u for the opportunity to share!

Kata Kane is an all-ages thru YA artist with a flair for magic, romance and fun. co-creator of GFFs: GHOST FRIENDS FOREVER feat. in Halloween ComicsFest 2018, + gdesign exp!

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gave and book a great review: A mix of mystery and romance, perfect for middle grade readers who enjoy urban fantasy! Available everywhere now!

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