
29. Magic (ハウルと星の子)
30. Old (大ババさま)
31. Favorite Ghibli Film (風の谷のナウシカと天空の城ラピュタ)

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21. Animal
22. Sword (ユパ)
23. Monster (祟り神とカオナシ)
24. Warrior (もののけ姫の猪)

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17. Flight (紅の豚)
18. Castle (ラピュタ)
19. Lady (ルイーゼ)
20. Guardian (園丁のロボット)

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13. War (平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ)
14. Journey (アリエッティとスピラー)
15. Cat (きれいなムーン)
16. Girl (メイ)

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9. Water (マーニー)
10. Love (カヤの小刀)
11. Beauty (ジーナ)
12. Sister (ソフィーとレティー)

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Day 8-9 Ghiblitober: Spirit and Water ୧☉□☉୨
I immediately thought of this when I saw the spirit and water (=´∇`=)

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day seven - father

im late and my excuse is this took way longer than i expected


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Ghiblitober Day 008: Spirit

Lin "Spirit of the White Fox" from Spirited Away

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this fella scared me SO much as a child, i’m sure i’m not the only one 😂

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day seven : father

mr kazama best dad i think. timed this one. drawing old people kinda hard...

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Day 6-7: Plant and Father 🪴👨‍👧
Lots of scenes I wanted to redraw, but ... it ended up like this TvT

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day six - plants

god im absolutely weak for scenes like this, help

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Day 6 plant
This drawing is especially for ^^

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