Please donate to support those affected by the Australian Bushfires

Via Tony Johnson

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Last tease for 2018. So super top secret, I can only show you a little bit. But in June 2019, you will know all... and it's gonna blow you away!

Happy New Year, all you crazy See you in 2019!

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Hey GhostHeads!

To honor the Second Anniversary of "Ghostbusters: Answer the Call", I wanted to share this wonderfully spooktacular drawing I got from !

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Just got advance copies of ANNUAL 2018 and my reaction was just like Kylie Griffin's when I opened it! AHHHH! It's hauntingly AWESOME, Ghostheads! Look for more previews soon. In stores Feb 28! Forty story pages of bustin'!

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Did you think Crossing Over wasn't going to get any Friday love? Check out these amazing covers, The comics crossover mega-event of 2018 is gonna be spooktacular!

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Happy Monday, Ghostheads! How about a Answer the Call tease? Whip it... whip it good, Oct '17

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OK, Ghostheads - name the movie poster this 101 cover is based on. And don't forget -- 101 hits stores in March!

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