내가 그릴 수 있는 최대한의 잘생김을 담아봄.

1 11

코창온니덕에 고스트 재미들려서
내 고스트들 그려봄 ㅋㅋㅋ
빵 물려놨더니 내가 그렸지만 졸귀다🙈❤️

2 5

: Young & rich Ghost

Your presence was felt as a bright light.
I was happy to be able to draw art happily after a long time. Thank you so much.💛🙏


33 68

[ MiDi x Cochang ]

머선일이고! 정신 없이 내맘대로 그려버렸닷 ㅎㅎ
선입금 후제작 시스템에 신나게 작업❤️

14 35

[ kimnemong x Cochang ] Ghost

덩실덩실 코췡고스트 Thanks a lot!!💕🙈
선입금 후제작 판타스틱❤️


16 48

Thanks to Cochang, for your kindfull donation! 🙏
These are <Clone Cochang>, and <Daer Cochang> extracting the and owned by 💗

5 19

My Art contest 👻🐯
" F R I E N D S" [Tiger JK Ghost]
I enjoy doing art every time. And this time, I've written a song and put it into my work.
Thank you for the Best Activity.

1 6

오랜만에 쇼핑 조금 해보았다.

1 11

My ghosts!👻
1. Rich old man who probably has own farm.
2. Rebellious young man, maybe anarchist.

0 2

“When you make a choice, you change the future.”
Thank you for hosting this event, I had a lot of fun drawing this!🚀
💾Mr. Misang and his hair💎

24 21

👻I'm going to be a ghost traveling around the NFT,world! I'm going to look for art!!

43 79

Oh Noooooooo..... I won a ticket for 's but didn't check it before it has expired..... 🥲 ha.... how stupid am I!!!

and .... 😞

2 18