By Car Robots it was particularity pronounced as you had Gigatron, a character with a design so complicated it's hard to process what bit is what, bossing around some repaints of the G1 Combaticons, who are basically a team made of large ambulatory cubes.

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especially when they used the design for Gigatron in EOS.... I love his teeth. straight up Darkstalkers lookin mf

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I remember you had a 2005 RID Optimus Prime and Gigatron aka Megatron and I brought it upon myself to make the RID Bots and Cons. Enjoy them! :3

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Combiner Wars Megatron is a redeco/retool of the 2001Car Robots Ultra Class Gigatron/Devil Gigatron mold, which was based on an unused concept by 3H Productions.

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Timelines "Gigatron" (trademark reasons) is a redeco/retool of Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Class Bludgeon, sporting a new head. Gigatron transforms from a Japanese Type 90 tank.

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Working a little spooky Halloween something, something.....

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I knew I'd find something new to show you. A glam rock Gigatron... from 2006.

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「Transformers DRIFT: empire of stone」で活躍中!ギガトロン様とドリフト!かっこいーーーっ(o^^o)


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