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Gimli at Caradhras by Jay Johnstone!
I love the detail of this 👏
#gimli #gimliart #gimliedit #lotr #lotrart #lotredit #lordoftherings #lordoftheringsart #lordoftheringsedit #gimlisonofgloin #tolkien #tolkienart #middleearth #middleearthart #caradhras #fellowshipofthering
Here is @jennydolfenart take on Gimli! I could look at her stuff all day, and if there is anyone out there who hasn’t discovered her yet, then now is the hour!
#gimliedit #jennydolfentolkien #gimlisonofgloin #gimli #gimliart #jennydolfenlordoftherings #lordoftheringsart #lotr
If you had a mission that needed completing, name me a better trio than The Three Hunters! (Art by GrantGoBoom)
#lordoftherings #lordoftheringsart #thethreehunterslotr #aragorn #aragornart #legolas #legolasart #gimli #gimliart #lotr #lotrart #tolkien #tolkienart #middleearth
The “Unlikely Friendship” that meant so much to their races! The Lord of the Rings Card Game has some of the best art made for it! (Art by Aleksander Karcz)
Don’t forget to enter our giveaway on our last post too if you’ve missed it!!!
#legolas #legolasart #gimli #gimliart