babu! venti tuh cantik bgt ga sihh 🥺 bukan cuman mukanya yg cantik tp semua soal venti, angin, puisi puisinya tuh cantik gitu, indah aja huhuu ngeliat venti muncul lagi berasa adem bgt, kangen cantikkuuuu 😞

21 78


479 2013

The final battle is about to begin, yet Erika is utterly unprepared for what lies ahead.

28 295

an au where heizou, a (virgin, unexperienced, and pathetic) detective, stumbled upon this particular crossdress idol he found weeks ago.
and he's down bad already (he spent millions already)

29 375

>login, look at major order
>TCS tower actually doesn't work on the bugs
shit this is a horrible idea now😩

1 27

Tezucomi Volume 1 by Elsa Bordier, Sourya, Valerie Mangin, Brice Cossu, Florence Torta, Phillipe Cardona, and others

My review here:

0 0

unyah! hai, yang lagi login, ada yg maw bantu sender claim chest disini? butuh 2 orang 😢

0 4

Chosen by popular demand and by a wide margin, this month's theme will be "Belly Dancers"!
It seems you all are captivated by the mesmerizing artistry and grace of belly dancers😉
Who are your dream characters to join in on the fun with this theme?

181 1104


I won a drinking contest with Ogin, so I asked her to wear a maid's outfit.

Ogin said, "Don't look at me too much! What? You want me to wear this dress and win...? No choice, I'll do it for you."

249 1242

kny! warning spoiler

Hashira ada 9, teknik pernafasan ada 3 yaitu angin, air dan suara and sisanya ga bernafas

307 1960

*hq cw // spoiler

Pas kageyama dicadangin, ennoshita nih senpai yg ngajak ngobrol dan mengayomi gitu loh. Adem banget liatnya 😭 ga heran beliau yg ditunjuk jadi kapten selanjutnya 🥹

40 619

*hq bayangin gak ada ujan gak ada angin, ushijima tiba-tiba ngeluarin jurus Kamehameha di tengah-tengah pertandingan...

3 77

tehe! Login, peringatan 3 tahun drama Zhongli pas awal rilis 🗿

Satu2nya char yang dapet buff setelah rilis, sampe saat ini belum ada lagi 🗿

4 82

Tehe! Venti roh angin, Makoto dan Ei inkarnasi petir (Raiden Voiceline), Nahida batang pohon Irminsul, Oceanid Furina awalnya dari Pure Hydro Energy... kira-kira Zhongli juga tercipta dari elemental being(?) Gak ya?

45 455

babu! cw // crossover hsr , cogil

Ya ampun baca menfess sebelah jadi bayangin, Beidou kan senjatanya claymore berat ya berarti dia bisa gendong aku dengan gampang dong...arrghhjhshdbdudhwbbaftwtw

190 1519

🌌 tiba2 ngebayangin, seberapa tertekannya Hyunsung di 2nd regression (OG WoS) kalo sama leadernya aja begini. Mana teammatesnya gitu semua lagi 😭(Seolhwa, Namwoon, Jihye)

Untung selama jadi companionnya kdj, KDJ-nya baik2.

36 503

There's one thing you should know about me before we begin, I WAS BORN IN 1989✨

7389 22933

hello Gambargin, I usually draw late 19th century joseon soliders~early 20th century korean empire uniforms! it's really, really late(like 5 months) but I just saw your wonderful works and wanted to left mines too.
sorry if it disturbed you!

6 55

Alele! TW // implied sexual assault (just in case)
Since she said this right after she think of Gin, does this means that Gin used to touch her without her consent back in BO?

15 127

Babu! Mau curhat, aku udah main genshin hampir setahun tapi belum pernah menang rate off, mana pitynya selalu diatas 70. Kemarin baru kalah 2/2 rasanya langsung males login. Kaya gitu mending aku beli akun baru aja apa ya? Di akunku yg ini udah males login, gak mood.

1 31