Beastame (Ice/Charm), Daredumpty (Mental/Life), and Gingerkid (Evil/Fire) step forms official artwork!

inspired by and

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It's Druripper!

Do you know the muffin man?
The urban legend of the Drury Lane Dicer?
London's first documented serial killer who lured Gingerkids with muffins and lived on Drury Lane.

Who's that next grimmlins' fairy tale?

Support our Kickstarter!👇

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What's that?!?!
An Ugling?!?! A lightning bolt?!?
No!!!! It's Ginjustice!!!!

Here to save the day at lightning speed with the power of its legs alone! Ginjustice is our final gingerbread man evolution of Gingerkid and Gingerznap.

inspired by

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Wanna see some step forms?!?
(Grimmlins' system?)

Dardumpty becomes a Life and Mental busted up watermelon

Gingerkid becomes Evil and Fire super villain burnt cookie

And Beastame is Ice and Charm yeti yeti yeti!!!

inspired by

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Gingerznap is the middle stage evolution of our charm type starting grimmlin, Gingerkid.

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Ah! I almost missed Check out our 2D digital concept art for the game's charm starter, Gingerkid! 2D art by

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Voilà deux petits personnages que j'affectionne particulièrement: les gingerkids. Je pense que j'pense peut-être leur donner d'autres couleurs pour le fun 9v9

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