Same but Lugia instead of Giratina, with Zekrom being close behind.

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Honorable mentions: Giratina, Luxray, Zoroark, Lucario, Meowscarada, Hydreigon, Absol, Vaporeon

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My favorite is origin forme Giratina, but these are my top 4 I'd say (with reshiram coming in at number 5)

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Giratina, hands down. Remember finding this guy randomly in Pearl and my lil kid self was freaking out excitedly. Plus awesome design and type matchup, and best battle theme.

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These go p nuts. mewtwo and giratina, Arceus and jirachi, and Arceus and wooper :3

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Bruh, who summoned Giratina, Lord of the distoration world

Can't have shit in Nacrene City

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4. Favorite Legendary
the choice was hard between him and Tapu Lele, Heatran or Giratina, but...

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4. I for sure cant decide which is my favorite so here my 3 of my favs lol

Giratina, Darkrei and Boreos (Tornados)

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4. Favourite legendary is haaaard I’m way too indecisive ;-;
I can narrow it down to Giratina, Kyurem and Heatran!

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4. Giratina, absolutely. Love this creature.

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Honestly, I think Koraidon is my favorite Legendary. For the longest time it was Giratina, and I have yet to even catch it, but I can’t help but love this fun lizard. Not to mention it has such an awesome design (And an AMAZING shiny to boot)

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Since 's a bigger topic again recently and I'm re-entering the hype bit, I may post some older fanarts here:
Blaziken, Giratina, Charizard and Rayquaza. First and last one are my fave Pokemon!

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Gengar, Giratina, and a bunch of their ghost Pokemon buddies!

I’ll have to add our newest ghost pupper friend on the next batch! 👻

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I tried to find a perfect match for blastoise, so I tried with different pokemon... either with Zoroark, Loppuny, rhydon, charizard among others.
I even tried with legendaries like:
Giratina, Reshiram, lugia, palkia.
Here I found these examples, the rest I lost everything...

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Giratina, the Renegade Pokemon.

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Y para finalizar al todo poderoso Giratina, el pokemon que es considerado el diablo y uno de los pokemon mas poderosos que hay perfecto para una reina demonio tan poderosa

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OH I have a long list of favorites that changes but these three are always high on there. Honorable mentions go to Charizard, Reshiram, Giratina, Rayquaza and Mightyena.

tagging :3

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I was debating on what pokemon to bring out
[Giratina, Hydreigon, Shiny Gardevoir], Pokémon that FIT Asuka[especially Giratina!]

But I know what my audience would say and I agree with them

Shiny Togepi [Or Shiny Togekiss~]

Blame the luck of Metronome

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