Super late for the holiday but here’s glitradora celebrating the new year for a kofi! 🎆🎇🎆

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Some round little glitradora cuddling for a kofi + Bonus them as little guys bc I wanted to draw them as little guys :’3

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Dia 7 de SheRaTober la palabra es
Catra: Ya veréis cuando se despierte. XD
Glimmer: No me gustaría ser ella ahora mismo jajaja. :')

El creado por

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I'm posting this pic again because I hated the colors of my fankid, Felicity's, dress
I changed the dress to a lighter red color palette

I wanted to draw these cuties together for a little while now lol

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I need ideas to draw SPOP fankids
In order:
Finn (catradora) *might redesign
Flora (scorfuma)
Felicity (glitradora)
Unnamed clone (entrapdak)

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Catra, Melog, Finn, and my fankid, Felicity, purring in a big kitty pile
That's it
That's what I wanna draw (even though I suck at drawing)

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Glitradora being some snuggly bbs for a kofi :’‘)

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I realized now that I have this little cutie
She doesn't have a name, but she's an old glitradora fankid I have

Thinking about drawing her again tbh

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oh also glitradora bc i have a whole FOLDER for this o7o;
kaereth’s art always makes me smile wide <333

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Tipsy told me to draw Glitradora but I didn't use any references. I have never drawn Glimmer before. Yes that is Chara Undertale's shirt. No I don't know why.

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today's polyamorous ship of the day is glitradora from she-ra and the princesses of power! it consists of glimmer, catra, and adora!

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Glitradora for a kofi ^^

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Catra and Glimmer havin’ a bit of a panic for a kofi ;3

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Uh, some THS Glitradora affection for practice and style experimentation🕺🏾

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Happy Mother’s day, here’s some more glitradora family au old art ;v;

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Zen, a digital piece I did I don't know how to use Twitter, sorry homies

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Shout out to the first glitradora nap piles I ever drew (literally over 2 years ago gosh) '

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