Gem Sweep! 57 GlobalKindNFT Official bought for 1.0095 ETH

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This was my first revealed and the one I connect with personally most (not including my genesis piece obv) I am a winter child, and rabbits are very special to me! Winter is my fav theme as well ❄
Find your perfect match .025e

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The memories I have are some of the best! A night of laughs from Gartic or ’s famous twerking stickers or ’s nature facts, it’s always a good time! 💜

Come join us and experience the kindest movement in web 3!

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It has been wonderful being a part of Globalkind's warm & friendly community! They have been constantly building with a plan in mind & the artwork is just out of this world! Come join us in the biggest & kindest movement in the metaverse!❤️

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I tried to tell you .. Public mint is now open 😍 here is what I got

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my lovely collection!! 💕 over the moon happy with my reveals!! not only did I get a rare Mystical but also the rare Artist Headpiece!!! 🌈🙌🏼 now… i need more

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My submission for the colouring contest✨ First time colouring on a screen, so much fun to work with layers!! So excited for their mint!

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