Thanks to all those improvements to ADA now runs (and looks) fantastic on their WASM version One step closer to replace glslCanvas on all glslEditor instances.

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GlslViewer v2.1.2 is out! New feature: MP4 and GIF RECORDING from the command console. No need to create PNG sequences anymore (you still can if you want more control)! The command is: 'record,<filename>.gif|mp4,<from_sec>,<to_sec>' . Check it out!

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CG twitter: the final touch in the importer is to fix the rotation matrix. Any idea way the helmet is upside down and not the rest? glslviewer code: helmet node:

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I just add support for PBR textures and the required wiring on the default shader. Feels very nice see this just after typing: glslViewer BoomBox.glb -C uffizi_cross.hdr

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