day 3: A new... Me?

This was Rinn when she first heard the Light calling her. Very sad times, but that changed her life forever.

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⭐Adoptable Gnomes⭐

Hot off the presses! These are gnomes for Dungeons and Dragons! Prices are listed below, first come, first serve! Likes and RTs are appreciated!

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Day 2: Visiting Their Covenant

After a blissful few centuries of married life in Millstone, Intamin and Sooty are ushered off to Ardenweald by their cat-sìth, Kerfuffle. They go on to tend a small grove of problem wildseeds the sylvari can't otherwise care for.

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Day 24: Willpower
Wasn't too sure what to do for this one, so Ruby it is! Ruby easily controls Things Of The Deep through sheer willpower alone. > : )

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Day 20: Spirituality
Ruby isn't specifically spiritual, however she puts her faith in power, and power alone.

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Day 18: Questing

Some time back, Sooty was helping out on Mt Hyjal by battling the cultist forces serving Ragnaros, and he rescued a hippogryph who the cult was trying to transform into an elemental weapon! Her name is Phoenix, and she only trusts Sooty. Mostly.

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Day 12: Lo- no? Laboratory. Ok!

Stan's a chemist by trade. He doesn't get a background this time though hehe.

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Day 13: Maldraxxus
I already did a Maldraxxus thing for Eliza a little before these prompts, so I decided to do a little doodle of what she might end up looking like if she actually ended up there. She'd give her original body up in a heartbeat to be a spider.

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Day 12: Love
Eliza receives a friendship bracelet from one of the Love Is In the Air vendors, and considers who she might give it to.

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Day 11: Knowledge
Ruby's biggest interest has always been the pursuit of forbidden knowledge and ultimate power. Opening cursed books is simply something she does on the daily!

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Day 8: Hearthstone!

I'd look that cocky if I had a card of myself... way to brag, Sooty.

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Day 8: Hearthstone
Decided to take a LITTLE break from drawing the prompts and made a Hearthstone card out of one of my pics. I haven't really played in a long time, so idk anything about power levels/tags. Just kinda winged it hehe

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Day 6: Flying
Just a little chibi for today! Still a bit behind! But it's okay. I think this turned out pretty cute!

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Day 2 (ignoring that it is day 4 >.>) - Bastion. Pockette makes the observation that the Steward's armour is very conveniently sized...

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Day 3: Cold Weather
Decided to do something a little more simple this time! Just a sketch of Eliza looking a little sad in the cold.

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Decided I'd participate in ! At least as much as I am able. Here's Day 1: Ardenweald
posted a day late but, lets see if I can crank out today's prompt!

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Day late but screw it, if it works that's enough for gnomes so it's enough for me.
Pockette has made it to the Shadowlands, specifically Ardenweld, and has discovered they have very, very weird bugs.

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