While Spencer was out cold from his delirium, five unique ape beings took form out of the 40-odd projectiles from Spencer’s back. They represent the five different phases of Spencer’s acid trip (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary).

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These are fire! 🔥 But we are also excited for 's reveal! Have you guys aped in yet?


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You'd be trippin on one of these from ! Hop in and


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I’m guessing y’all are goin’ apeshit with our previous tweet. Let’s all take a chill pill with our Acid Ape Society Legend, ‘Fo’shizzle’! Puff Puff Pass. 🐒💨🧪

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Still trippin’? This transmission might cause some head-splittin’! The devil is in the details, I'd say. I'm sure you will able to catch my drift.😉

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Thank you apesters for being part of ! We’re happy to be able to work on the art and build a brand that we hope will grow into something bigger! Can’t wait for the reveal. In the meantime, let us share our ‘Creedo’. https://t.co/OW5d3Brwra

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Holding my Ape brings me much joy...it's special! Here's some though... simply holding ANY AVAC ape provides the holder WL for and WL comes with a discounted Mint price!

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These all are very good projects, but there’s nothing like AVAC, and we’re launching our Second Generation Collection on September 18th to unlock royalty sharing, the metafund and a next level Metaverse at Paradise Island.

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I'm not usually this lucky, but a couple weeks ago I was attending 's weekly and won this amazing 1:1 artwork from the treasury.

Join the discord: https://t.co/emHAZgSfAb

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