Absolutely gobsmacked 🖤My heart is bursting and my bones have never been stronger 🖤 It was and continues to be a joy, a privilege and a pleasure to work on such incredible shows, with such amazing cast and crews 🖤 Here's to another year of weird religion stuff and screaming 🖤

6 90

Also, a shout-out to ' incredible picks, including Raw Hero, the 'omg/wtf' superhero series fr. the creator of Prison School, fr. . Listen to this episode & maybe you'll be gobsmacked by it too: https://t.co/TFGcCV6qGd

0 8

I also can't get over this shit. Gobsmacked

1 3

BRO ONE PIECE 1049 IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE THIS SEQUENCE OF LUFFY AND YAMATO GOES FREAKING CRAZY HOLY HELL! 🔥🔥🔥 ever since Wano started they've been going very hard on the animation for the fights and im left gobsmacked every time.

110 875

they're gobsmacked by all the love on twitter dot com slash positive

3 17

was this one from May 2022!!
It's not even that gay or. really that good, so I am still gobsmacked to this very day https://t.co/buyevJn04V

18 549


I am gobsmacked.

After dropping $300 on meds I need to live yesterday this was the best email to receive today. Thank you all for the support. Purchasing, liking, sharing, it all matters!

1 20

I was so gobsmacked by the Primate Murder reveal a friend who knows virtually nothing about Type-Moon was like “okay. Explain. I need to know” https://t.co/0GyTfU8pyK

0 2

Congrats Gabriel!! I’m still gobsmacked you don’t have more followers, honestly!

I’m Juliana, a freelance fantasy artist who loves spooky things and character design

10 33

I am gobsmacked RN…🤯

- Huge thanks for collecting “Yellow Cosmic Warrior” this afternoon!

It also makes me so happy that you rock my work as your PFP😍😍😍

Every time I see you I cannot help but smile!

8 25

it's a work in progress (we hit 16% funded)
I'm very thankful that there was any donations
and the word of encouragement, support, & love
has already been so surprising & wonderful, that I'm just gobsmacked and want to enjoy it as long as I can.

0 1

so learned during a watching of Little Mermaid II with friends from a while ago that they actually went back and redid some shots for the 2008 rerelease (coinciding with Ariel's Beginning) and I'm gobsmacked to learn it wasn't just a rumour

10 36

when kid me read issue 195 (and that whole arc in general) i was gobsmacked LOL brain chemistry changed Forever

0 0

gobsmacked retail worker in a fetish image energy

681 3154

I’m absolutely gobsmacked. It’s 2am and I’m in tears. Thank you to everyone who believed in me. I could not have done this without you.

35 942

gobsmacked by how good the open source stable diffusion model is. here's about 10 minutes of generation time on my laptop.

4 80

surprised me with a lovely drawing of my sona yesterday

I'm gobsmacked by the amount of detail they put into this! It's beautiful 💝

0 2

Gobsmacked at how much i like my drawings this month

1 7

gobsmacked ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

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