𝑵𝑬𝑾 goku4 & vegeta4 LR 超体

Reader skill↓
「フュージョン」カテゴリの気+4 HP.ATK.DEF180%UP!

passive skill↓
自身のATK.DEF140%up.敵必殺技を高確率で回避し超絶大な威力で反撃,敵が極系の「邪悪龍編」カテゴリの時 超高確率で会心が発動

3 16

'I Highly Recommend Everyone Play On Wireless' WeedGoku420 Shares How He Became The Best DBFZ Player In The World.

29 93

Hi, I'm Josh (aka Mangoku418)! I'm a video game artist and YouTuber who likes anime! Drawing has been a passion since 7th grade. I wish to draw more frequently.

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ReDrawing/Coloring Because
The old Face Was A Trainwreck

Left:Old Right: New WIP

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