Chicken are the best 🐔 That's it. That's my Ted Talk.

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Does anyone wake up like this ?
I roll out of bed and I need at least 15 minutes before being a functional human ^^;;

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I'm trying to find something interesting to write, but truth is looking at characters sleeping makes me want to sleep, all I can do is yawn; sorry XD

1 18

Working on my pet project and alternating between "Why do I suck so much >0<" and "Ooooh this is sooo cuuuute uwu"...

0 15

Oh, thank you for the thread!
Here it is ^^ (it's from my pet project

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Aaaand done! Who didn't pretend-read to their friendly Golem growing up? 😊
(Process in previous tweet ^^)

Thanks to my Patr(e)ons 💗

5 16

And that's it for the "henbrella" pic 🐔🌧 no chicken were harmed, but this one might still hold a grudge... 😬

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Yes please <3 I'm working on my pet project, about a kid and... well their nanny who's a golem. And also a chicken :D

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Weeeee ! Chicken
I storyboarded a few new pages during my break, I can't wait to pencil them >u<

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Full disclosure: those pages are sponsored by my wish to be outside (the second one actually makes me strangely peaceful ^^)

If you have the means, you can support these guys' story by offering me a coffee, every tip helps ^^

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Close up of panel 3! I love how I tries to go accurate dragonfly vs drawing a hen that's just... round XD And with that, ladies and gentlefriends, we have our *first* Golem Nanny page 😱
It's a "2 pager", I'll post both pages tomorrow :)

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I love drawing those two, can't wait to draw their stories >u<
Full disclosure: the sketch was made in January, as a new year card, so it's kind of late but... happy new year 🎉😅

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Meet the parents 💜
(it was supposed to be for but I hurt my back, in a very me fashion, so digital ink it is 😅)

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Golem nanny & the little one who doesn't have a name yet because I suck at naming character XD

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