Thanks for hosting

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What is everyones plans for thanksgiving?

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GoooodMorning 🔥🤘

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Goooodmorning my adorable fluffs!!! Today is last day for the mini raffle, I'll close it in a couple of hours so don't miss your chance!!💜
I hope everyfluff's doing GOOOOOD and if not *gibs you my bunplush and whispers "there's snacks inside* 💜💜💜

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Goooodmorning everybody! Have your breakfast ok? And don't forget to follow me on Twitch and Twitter!

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Goooodmorning darlings! Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate okay? 💜

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🎀 Goooodmorning!! Today is ome of the last few days i can study for my tests! I’ve got a 2h history test this thursday, wish me lots of studyluck and please send me your energy ! 🐰💕

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Goooodmorning cuties
The DBD video from last night is now up on youtube, where because queue times are so long we did a mini-interview with some questions at some point (sorry I couldn't pin point it as it happens between and in rounds)

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Commission for Darkraven

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Goooodmorning everyone

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Buon lunedì pomodorini. Un mio disegno che non c'entra niente con S/P! Goooodmorning!

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