The great flip is coming very very soon. will surpass and floor price in the very near future. Could not me any more confident about it.

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GORANGER/KAMEN RIDER OVA in Isshinomori style (like the Kikaider anime)

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C'est marrant ils ont vraiment une tête de Evil Goranger mdr

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Going to start watching 'High School Heroes' which is a perfect jumping point for since the main character - Taisei watched Goranger thanks to his dad.

Is it me or does he remind anyone of Rai from Waku Waku 7?

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South Vietnam flag it reminds me to Goranger lmao

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As promised my next for Drago forms: Five Crimson (Fiveman), Jet Phoenix (Jetman), Drago Ranger (Zyuranger), Dragoranger (Dairanger). Yes I am aware two names repeat themselves but following the theme of each team, my own rangers name fit for these two the most. Enjoy everyone!

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Jet Phoenix, my latest Drago-form for my Red Dragoranger OC. Hope everyone enjoys it! You can checkout the other Drago Forms on my DA:

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It's the Spykles Goranger Sentai Squad. The gang is all here! We've got Gimme Those Fries Seagull, Lizard Type Guy and Amazed Cyclops.

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All Ranger Keys And Sentai Gear! From Goranger to Don Brothers + Akibaranger.

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Some new forms for my Dragoranger based off of Boukenger, Magiranger, Oh-ranger, and Gaoranger. More to come and I have more in my DA gallery:

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Y estas son las recomendaciones de 💴

"Ashita no Joe" edita

"Team Phoenix" de

"Terra E" de

"Himitsu Sentai Goranger" de


10 29

Eles meio que tem a cara do Robocon! O que é interessante, já que mais tarde o Robocon se junta aos Goranger quando o mangá foi convertido em uma paródia ao estilo gag.

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is an artist and cosplayer based in Tennessee.  She has done cover art for multiple comic books such as Syria and Space Princess.  She is a cohost for Metrothamcon live on youtube every Mon

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Peggy Matsuyama - Momoranger (Himitsu Sentai Goranger)

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1975 vs 2021
Goranger VS Zenkaiger
So far so good the series and I really like both costumes

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