Just picked up a RANK 1 Gothic Boryoku Dragon... 👀 Damn this bear market got paper hands listing for crazy low 😂


30 100

👀🔥People wondering if it's worth it to own ... I own 20 Gothic Degens and got airdropped 7 Gothic Taiyos tonight - SO FAR! 👀 That's almost $600 - FOR FREE! So yes, imo, it's totally worth owning Gothic Degens!

54 89

Finally!!! SHREKDAO !!! i got one of them.
I stand with my reserved friends in the Gothic world. I am so happy. Come on guys let's see SHREK. Raid Gothic Fam. Show ur Fam Power.


59 111

So "AIFICATION", only proper function. You can to breathe life into your
, , or with this unique feature.

9 22