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5 109

Kind, thoughtful, and meticulous are words Zev might use to describe Nolan. Ezekiel might say he’s overly critical or micromanaging. Regardless of what his family members think, he’s nothing but friendly and gracious to you.

8 98

Ezekiel would be cute…if he’d just keep his mouth shut. He’s sullen, irritable, and clearly hates you from the get-go. Even though he’d follow Zev to the grave, he still drives Nolan insane with his abrasive attitude and casual approach to his duties.

6 81

Easily the most charismatic of the bunch and a natural-born leader, Zev runs the show. He’s not afraid to throw himself under the bus for the people he cares about…

9 97

Announcing Gangs of the Magic Realm!

You’ve been running a cafe as a barista for a few years now. Other than that your brother is missing, things aren’t all that bad. But one day, two attractive young men visit your cafe.

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