
・👟Lupin vs Cat's eye



8 29

I hope you're being safe and having a good day. You deserve every bit of happiness and joy on this earth. Your smile can light up even the darkest room. Wishing you lots of love and hugs and happiness from my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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We love you Melissa McBride and We will always support you 💗💗

9 17

I'm going to do a special shout-out for tomorrow. I really hope you're alright . To see you hurt, it hurts me. You're as close to an angel as I'll ever see and I want to see you happy. Wishing you lots of love and hugs ❤️

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Norman, you've always been a good person and good to people. Your smile gets me through the hardest days. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Wishing you lots of love and hugs ❤️❤️

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วันนี้ที่รอคอย ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ

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When we say NHS staff are struggling, we mean they are really struggling. For every 10 days NHS staff every been sick worth COVID, another 17 days is lost due to mental health problems.

NHS staff need 👏🏻 support 👏🏻 now 👏🏻

Thank you for raising this.

500 2055

So, Sajid Javid has recovered from Covid. Now he can proceed with his goal as Health Secretary.

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We are thinking of everyone who is finding lockdown hard and for our NHS staff on the frontlines working so hard to keep us safe. This is for you 💙

494 1917

จะมีโชว์เพลงนี้ให้เห็นจะๆ กับตาตัวเอง
คอสตูม ท่าเต้น แดนเซอร์ เอฟเฟค
โอ๊ยย มันต้องอลังการชวนกรี้สแน่ๆๆๆ

713 182

เนี่ยะ ซ้อมเต้นอยู่เรย ซ้อมเต้นด้วยการทำดุ้กดิ้กๆ
แกะท่าได้แค่นี้ พอไหวมั้ย 😆😆😆
สงสัยรอดู เต้นบนเวทีจะง่ายกว่า

1035 317

Nothing but practicing

3 16

No matter how fair the sun shines, still must it set.
You will be missed <3

9 64

raving to 'The Onus is on the Landlord' as I type!

0 1

Jyfdssdtio to the E the E do you have received this message was sent from Windows event by visiting the best time

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