im tryna remember how to draw.. heres a wip(?). my first gowo doodled in uhh 5 yrs idk does anyone remember him (dont ask why hes a neko)

5 23

gwumpy gowo and his wival 🥺

30 121

Let’s start the week with something sweet. This work from exemplifies warmth and passion. I love how the artist aged them up, crafting realistic features, while maintaining the innocent romance that grew from the days of chasing each other through the forest.

21 106

fuck you turns your akechi into a stoat
a commission for my bestie @/gowo_akechi

22 71

and I drew this a LONG time ago, i think making ms sangonomiya being a little ooc kooky is super funny. Goodest boye gowo

5 42

I don’t know if I will finish this but here’s a Gowo

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Gowo n fem gowo uwu for lady thank u iussnenwnenwe

10 46

Thank you for the commission aaaa gowo with pacifier uwu

16 64

head empty only akechi gowo

1 31

doodled a wittle scarf gowo in class

8 28

fooling around with new brushes with mr. gowo akeppi

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